Friday, December 18, 2020

Grand Chef Pierre greetings for Christmas

 Brian Frey's Chef Pierre and a Merry Christmas cartoon.

The main characters were Chef Pierre, (who never spoke) the waitress Lola, and the head waiter Basil.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Spring as per Lou Skuce

Lou Skuce cartoon on Spring season as Mr. Fan begins his run in the Toronto World newspaper.

An very good look at Lou and his art appear in issue of Taddlecreek magazine.

Lou would go on to work on some of the Canadian whites comics in Toronto's Bell Features comic books.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Mr. Fan is on his way

Watch for Mr. Fan, he's on his way to the newspapers.

Notorious Boodlers, apparently a political grafter. Hmm, maybe this phrase should be revived?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mr. Fan is coming

Mr. Fan is coming, soon to be a feature at the Toronto World newspaper.

Watch this space for more.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Look Out For Yetis on the slopes

These images from the Department of Yetiology and the Canadian Ski Patrol System were warning back in the 1960s. The various cartoon images showed typical Yetis to look out for.

The Official Yetiologist's Gude by Alan Beaney, illustrations by Wicks.

If you spot one of these characters, it's best to report to your local Ski Patroller, don't approach by yourself.