Friday, May 21, 2021

Giants of the North award to Fred Kelly

 In 2021 a Giants of the North, one of the Doug Wright awards, has inducted Fred Kelly into their Hall of Fame.

Fred Kelly was the Canadian creator of Doc Stearne who became a super monster hunter called Mr. Monster.

Frederick George "Fred" Kelly (September 8, 1921 in Toronto – September 14, 2005 in Owen Sound) was a comic book writer and artist known for his contributions to the "Canadian Whites" era during the Second World War. He worked on some stories for the Canadian Heroes comic before joining Bell Features.

The origin of Doc Stearne as Mr. Monster in the Canadian comics was rediscovered in Triumph Comics #31 ( and reprinted in the first issue of Micheal T. Gilbert's run for Dark Horse Comics)

Fred's last work in comic books looks to be a story called the Beachcomber in Superior Comics.

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